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Six price points based on total

number of families in the community:

$45 - (Single Family)

$95 - (2 to 9 Family Community)

$145 - (10 - 15 Family Community)

$195 - (16 - 25 Family Community)

$245 - (26 - 35 Family Community)

$345 - (36+ Family Community)

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A General Introduction to this Charlotte Mason Approach to High School English:


This 4 Year High School English plan using Charlotte Mason's approach is unique in content and form. Each year provides the student with 3-4 lessons per week, teacher interaction, as well as independent "homework", and a host of living ideas all within the Charlotte Mason context.


For the parent/ teacher I have made this incredibly approachable. Almost completely open and go. Learn alongside your teen. Don't let these final years pass by with exclusively independent work closeting them away. Join in the great conversations with them - I have made it easy!


These are the lesson plans I have created and taught over the years with Red-Brick Academy. It has been an amazing time! These lessons work well in a group or one on one.


These lessons are not "grade level" based. All high school students should begin with Year 1.


Year 1 Details:



▪︎28 weeks of open and go lesson plans

▪︎"Living Book" driven lessons

▪︎3 lessons per week

▪︎One 45 minute lesson with the teacher

▪︎2 independent "homework" days

▪︎Term assignments

▪︎Semester exams with keys

▪︎Conversation support

▪︎Student handouts

▪︎Student feedback forms

▪︎Evaluation tools

▪︎A crash course in CM teacher orientation

▪︎A full plan for assigning grades

▪︎Details for making and keeping a Century Chart


Year 1 Overview:


This year's study will introduce your student to the amazing process of smoothing a Narration into an Essay. It will then take that foundation, build upon it and polish it. The art of beautifully and effectively communicating ideas, by the end of the year, will be theirs.


In our study of literature we will look at Western Literature and trace its pivotal thoughts. We will let history give literature context but will also be amazed to see how Literature informs us about history, understand that ideas really do have consequences. As Ms. Mason says, are not inconsequential, but things to which we have a duty to hold up and examine. This year we will also introduce the use and function of the Century Chart.


This is the perfect age to take what they have learned in the lower forms, couple it to its connecting ideas – stand back and take a sweeping view of it all before diving in deeper for the rest of their High School studies. This year will be a reference point for all future studies and a recognition for all previous.


Connecting Ideas and Discussions for the Following Books:

(With a unique plan allowing you to choose which to read in their entirety!)

° Animal Farm (The only required read.)

° Lord of the Flies

° Frankenstein

° Bullfinch's Mythology

° Gulliver's Travels

° Don Quixote

° the Autobiography of B. Franklin

° A Tale of Two Cities

° the Red Badge of Courage

° Wuthering Heights

° Plus poetry


At first glance, the word "survey" may seems contrary to Charlotte Mason's philosophy. Of course there are indepth literature readings here. But consider what she was trying to accomplish with the Century Chart? Different than the Book of Centuries- the Century Chart was intended to give a grasp of the overall sweep of events. How does one piece fit against another? An an overarching view. Let's do that with literature for this year's study. They are ready for this type of sorting in high school. Let's let Ms. Mason's ideas lead the way.


This study only requires the purchase of one book for the teacher and 2 books for each of the students (plus any of the literature options they choose.).


***This purchase will come as a digital download. No books are included.***


See "High School English" in the blog for more details about this study.


(If it feels like something is missing, no worries! We cover grammar in Years 2 & 4.)



(Also- if your student is new narration, this is a skill they need, CM or no! Let this be their introduction- we'll break them in easy!)


**See the Blog Post "High School English..." to hear more + 12 things I love about this series.**

High School English Year 1

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